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  • Writer's pictureJames Chau

Dog and Cat Disputes in Divorce

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Increasingly in divorce, pet ownership and property rights are coming before courts across the country.  This article discusses how in some states, ownership and division of time with a pet is becoming litigated more frequently. 

California affords rights above just property rights to pets, and increasingly, courts are being asked to make decisions in pet issues that resemble custody agreements.  If there is a pet you and your spouse need to consider, consulting a family law attorney can help you understand the options and rights in your specific situation.  Given the jarring nature of divorce and major considerations, remembering to designate your pet as a priority to you should not be overlooked.  Having a family lawyer help you in the recently changing landscape of pet ownership in divorce proceedings can help develop a plan.

If there are any legal questions you may have, I encourage you to, please contact my San Jose Divorce Lawyer office. My San Jose Family Lawyer offices assists many people who are going through family law related issues. We have many Affordable San Jose Divorce Lawyer solutions for many different budgets. San Jose unbundled limited scope family lawyer.

We help many individuals through this very chaotic period in their life. Proudly serving the following cities, FremontMilpitas, Los Gatos, Cupertino, Mountain View, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, HaywardUnion City

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